
 Judith Snow’s Gifts List

by Judith Snow on July 1, 2010

Notes on the Gifts and Assets That People Who Are Vulnerable to Rejection Commonly Bring to Community

by Judith Snow


  • making people feel happy
  • listening


  • slowing people down, reorienting people to time and place
  • leading people to appreciate simple things
  • causing people to appreciate their own abilities

Skill Building

  • pushing people to be better problem solvers
  • causing people to try things they’ve never done before
  • causing people to research things they never encountered before
  • improving education
  • improving technology
  • modeling perseverance – being unstoppablegreat-question-snow


  • reaching out to people and breaking down barriers
  • asking questions that everyone else is too shy to ask
  • bringing people together who otherwise would never meet

The Economy

  • providing jobs to people who want supplemental income, like artists
  • providing jobs to people who need to work odd schedules like homemakers
  • providing jobs to people who otherwise have few or no marketable skills
  • filling odd niches
  • providing a home, bringing people home


  • often modeling exemplary forgiveness
  • offering opportunities to do something that clearly makes a difference
  • reorienting values from accumulation to relationships
  • making people more peaceful

“Some gifts appear to be empty in the sense that they are not about doing things, they are about holding spaces, asking questions, and inviting people in to be part of community, part of relationship. And those gifts are, in many ways the most powerful although still often not recognized for their power.” (Judith Snow)


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