A Future Beyond Capitalism? Socialism Explained.


A Future Beyond Capitalism? Socialism Explained.

Dec 11, 2020
"Socialism is like the American Dream, only real."

Socialism is the only way that "WE THE PEOPLE" can be "WE THE PEOPLE" because in capitalism, the first thing that happens is that the value of human beings is diminished to and measured by their profit value. In other words, the system deletes the value of people, just like feudalism did. Follow the money, follow the power, if you want to find what is valuable to any society. There is no conscience or compassion in the free market. By law, corporations must generate a profit for the shareholders (those that are already rich and powerful).

The deeply embedded problem of capitalism is that it depends on the free market, which in turn depends on consumers to consume and generate more demand.
There are 4 inherent, irrefutable, and inalienable issues with the continuing success of capitalism:
1) When consumers are struggling to survive, then it takes the wind out of the sails of the free market. No demand is being generated and hence no need for more supply.
2) Cutting taxes and giving other benefits to the business owners will never increase consumption and hence cannot increase profit or success. Spending comes from those that do not have what they need, which increases consumption and demand, which in turn increases production and supply. Business owners cannot create jobs unless demand is increased producing a need for supply increasing.
3) Capitalism depends on limitless growth using limited resources. Endless growth is an oxymoron in a world of limited resources. Infinite growth = cancer.
4) The free market has no conscience. It is clueless about suffering and happiness, rich and poor, sickness and health, about the needs of people and society.

Capitalism is not a culture or a system of morality or a religion, or politics. It is

nothing more than an economic tool that most people around the world are beginning to realize does not make their lives better anymore. It is making their lives worse. It has lost its effectiveness because we do not understand its intent and capacity. Capitalism does not give us identity as a country or culture or people or government. Capitalism can never meet all the needs of any society. It does a great job of meeting some of its needs. But stops short when those needs can't be met through the free market while generating a profit. There are many needs of society that do not generate a profit and thus must be socialized in order for a society to survive. Here is an example of some things that cannot make a profit. Education, healthcare, hospitals, roads, bridges, police, fire, military, governments, water, utilities, retirement, starvation, poverty, and on and on. These are all part of the
infrastructure that fall under the umbrella of socialism, i.e. tax dollars being paid to government so that government can meet the needs of the people.

“When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.” (Dom Helder Camara)

"When the missionaries arrived, the Africans had the land and the missionaries had the Bible. They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the land and we had the Bible" (Jomo Kenyatta)

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Considering how frequently the media and public figures misuse the words Marxism, Socialism, and Communism, I thought it would be useful to correct the record. In this episode I go over a brief history of capitalism, why socialism is the best way forward, and correct a few misconceptions. AzureScapegoat: https://youtube.com/azurescapegoat https://twitter.com/azurescapegoat https://patreon.com/azurescapegoat https://twitch.com/azurescapegoat Sources and Further Reading: Marxism Basics: https://socialism101.com Homelessness Figures: https://endhomelessness.org/homelessn... Vacant Homes: https://247wallst.com/housing/2019/09... 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism: https://www.academia.edu/20089247/23_... College Grad Employment Figures: https://www.insidehighered.com/quickt... Food Insecurity Study: https://www.wfp.org/publications/stat... A Future Beyond Capitalism? Marxism Explained. - The Real Story – Second Thought SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/2nFsvTS New video every Friday! Follow Second Thought on Social Media! Twitter: https://twitter.com/_SecondThought Patreon: https://patreon.com/secondthought Watch More Second Thought: Latest Uploads: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Spaaaaaace!: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... What If...: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Popular Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... About Second Thought: Second Thought is a channel devoted to education and analysis of current events from a Leftist perspective. Welcome! Business Email: secondthoughtchannel@gmail.com

There is no such thing as a free market


What they tell you 

 Markets need to be free. When the government interferes to dictate what market participants can or cannot do, resources cannot flow to their most efficient use. If people cannot do the things that they find most profitable, they lose the incentive to invest and innovate. Thus, if the government puts a capon house rents, landlords lose the incentive to maintain their properties or build new ones. Or, if the government restricts the kinds of financial products that can be sold, two contracting parties that may both have benefited from innovative transactions that fulfil their idiosyncratic needs cannot reap the potential gains of free contract. People must be left ‘free to choose’, as the title of free-market visionary Milton Friedman’s famous book goes.

What they don’t tell you 

 The free market doesn’t exist. Every market has some rules and boundaries that restrict freedom of choice. A market looks free only because we so unconditionally accept its underlying restrictions that we fail to see them. How ‘free’ a market is cannot be objectively defined. It is a political definition.The usual claim by free-market economists that they are trying to defend the market from politically motivated interference by the government is false.Government is always involved and those free-marketeers are as politically motivated as anyone. Overcoming the myth that there is such a thing as an objectively defined ‘free market’ is the first step towards understanding capitalism.

23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism: https://www.academia.edu/20089247/23_...


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